Join Rosalie Sanara Petrouske Reading from her new Chapbook “Tracking the Fox” Saturday, February 11, 2023 @7:00 PM


Join Rosalie Sanara Petrouske on The Poetry Box LIVE – February Edition!  The reading will celebrate all three winners of The Poetry Box Chapbook, Prize, 2022.  This event takes place @7:00 p.m. Eastern time.  You must register at this link:


Praise for Tracking the Fox:

“The poems in Tracking the Fox unfold at the slow pace of a hike in the woods, inviting the pleasures and joys of nature, while never turning away from the shared struggles and pain of the poet’s Ojibwe heritage. Hers is a fearless language that holds it all, like the black ash basket she weaves with her daughter, welcoming every reader with each personal, conversational, and precise poem.   In ‘The Sky I Was Born Under,’ written in homage to U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo’s piece of the same name, she describes the scene of her own birth, ending with the lines: ‘I wailed for the first time, my voice/ ricocheted in the stillness, / and all the forest creatures paused to listen.’ Tracking the Fox will cause us all to pause and listen to the hard-won work of this poet coming into her own as a Native American woman and mother, promising: ‘we shall let our voices be heard.’”

—James Crews, contest judge poet, editor of How to Love the World